Psychology read online free
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Psychology (from other Greek ψυχή "soul; character"; λόγος "teaching") is a scientific discipline that studies the laws of the emergence, development and functioning of the psyche and mental activity of a person and groups of people. Combines humanitarian and natural-science approaches.
How to understand yourself and your feelings, emotions - everyone at least once thought about it. And if it is not possible to have a personal specialist, literature on psychology comes to the rescue.
Along with the increased interest in human psychology, it has become widespread in recent years. This includes books on the psychology of relationships between people, social interactions, human thinking and behavior.
The works of such authors as Eric Berne, Meg Jay, Sigmund Freud, Carl Gustav Jung, Tina Seeling, Steve Harvey help to understand how the most complex mechanism called “man” works, offer advice on personal development, give an idea of the prichology of a woman, a man, child psychology and the differences between them.